

Customer Representative

Human Resources Policy

Human Resources business processes are managed in an integrated manner with our company vision.
The basis of our Human Resources Policy is to build human resources processes where all our employees can reproduce success stories in their career journeys and to ensure the continuity of these processes. At the same time, providing equal opportunity to all our employees and displaying a fair management approach are included in this journey.

Detailed Job Application Form

Please select the branch you want to apply for a job.



    Do you have a license?


    Are you currently working?

    Do You Want To Add Work Experience Information?*

    Name of Work Place*


    Starting date*

    Ending date*

    Reason for Leaving (A Few Sentences)*

    All the information in the job application form has been filled in by me and is correct. I authorize your company to carry out research from references or other relevant persons for personal or work-related issues for the purpose of evaluating my application. If my job application is accepted, it will comply with the regulations and instructions of Denge Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic. I know and accept that my employment contract will be terminated without notice and compensation due to any false information I have provided in this form.

    I declare that I have informed the persons in accordance with the KVKK No. 6698 about the use of the contact information of the persons I have declared as a reference during or before the interview, by your company for reference inquiries based on the job interview made with me, and that I have obtained their express consent.

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